Newton's laws of motion

What is Newton's laws of motion?

The appearance where the object moves is called a motion of the object.
Ball thrown out in the air, sled slided down on slope and the falling stone, etc. are examples of the object's motion.
It doesn't limit to these examples, the one with movement are the motions of all.

It is considered a kind of the motion of the object in case of geostationary.

In the motion of all objects, there is a common feature.
It is that the state of the motion changes according to force.
It is closely related to force and the motion.

There are three laws that show the relation between force and the motion.
These are called three laws of the motion.
It is said Newton's laws of motion, too.

The table below shows Newton's laws of motion.

First LawIf force doesn't act, the object continues a state as it is.
Second LawIf force acts on the object, the acceleration proportional to mass is caused.
Third lawWhen force acts on the object, the object is pushed back by the force of the same size.

It is mechanics to discuss force to act on the object with the relation of the motion.

The following can be clarified by using mechanics.
-How do you move when what force works?
-What force works when moving like this?

In a word, it is a radical principle of which these three laws compose the foundation of mechanics.


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